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Masuk Daftar

contoh kalimat have to

"have to" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • They're not really bright. They don't have to be.
    Mereka tidak pintar. Mereka tidak perlu pintar.
  • I don't have to do my other job now."
    Saya tak perlu lagi mengerjakan pekerjaan lain."
  • And bingo. That is all you have to do.
    dan 'bingo'. Itulah yang seharusnya Anda lakukan.
  • So you have to do something like this.
    Jadi Anda harus melakukan sesuatu seperti ini --
  • We need incentives. People have to make a living.
    Kita perlu insentif. Manusia perlu biaya hidup.
  • OK, we have to ask for raw data now.
    OK, kita harus meminta data mentah sekarang.
  • You have to plan ahead to get to the top.
    Anda harus merencanakan hingga mencapai puncak.
  • No. So I had to think a little harder.
    Tidak. Jadi saya harus berpikir lebih keras.
  • God forbid that it should have to withstand that.
    Tuhan mengharuskan gedung itu tahan radiasi nuklir.
  • Why? Because you have to deliver something overnight.
    Kenapa? Karena anda harus mendatangkan sesuatu dalam semalam.
  • If they have to pay for it, they use it.
    Kalau mereka harus membelinya, mereka gunakan.
  • Now, what does this have to do with energy?
    Lalu apa hubungan hal ini dengan energi.
  • Al Gore really would have had to invented the Internet.
    Al Gore juga mampu membangun internet
  • And therefore, each component had to have a dual functionality.
    Maka, setiap komponen harus dwi fungsi.
  • We all have to improve on this sort of thing.
    Kita semua harus memperbaiki hal ini.
  • You often have to buy the cheapest products.
    Anda sering harus membeli produk yang paling murah.
  • Fortunately, I didn't have to look very far.
    Untungnya, saya tidak perlu untuk mencari terlalu jauh.
  • There's a prophesy. You have to save the world."
    Ini adalah ramalan. Kamu harus menyelamatkan dunia."
  • We had to wait now and see what happened.
    Tinggal menunggu dan melihat apa yang terjadi.
  • So again, you have to do some detective work here.
    Kembali, Anda harus melakukan pekerjaan detektif.
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